"...the difference between 70/30 and 60/40 window perforated is based on the percentage of holes in the vinyl "
"we recommend 60/40 for the majority of installs, however, if you need a bigger visual and graphic bang, then we say go with 70/30"
"...we can print perforated windows without a seam up to 60 inches. If your install requires larger than that, then you will need to do a butt seam"
"...our Trendfilm Etchlook has been a best seller of ours for over 30 years for a reason."
"on a vehicle you always want to use a laminate on perforated window film"
"Aslan etched glass is easy to install due to the fact that it's DRY APPLY. "
"For printable etched window options, we recommend Aslan, it's an etched glass film that is designed to be printed."
"... our production facility utilizes the Oracal 290GF optically clear laminate over our private label Trendfilm perforated window film"
Take it from our customers. We offer excellent quality, superior service, and next day shipping... at competitive prices.
Because we’ve been Doing Graphics Graphics Stuff Right Since 1956.
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