Written by: Shela Spencer

Have all 3: Price, Quality, and Service

With every new year, there comes an overwhelming urge to look back, reflect, and analyze the previous year. It is a good time to decide what kind of changes need to be made, what you did right, what you did wrong, and what you can do differently.

Much like everyone else, Gregory, Inc. is not exempt from this. As we have reflected on the past handful of years, give or take 65 of them, we have realized several things. Most notably, we determined we could be serving you better!

You’ve heard the old adage, "Price, Quality, Service - Pick two”. It’s used to say you can pick low-price and quick service, but you sacrifice the quality. Or you can have high-quality and quick service, but boy howdy, is it going to cost you. In many cases, this is absolutely true. Wanting all three is the dream, but usually impossible.

We say nonsense.

Our New Year’s mission, as we have chosen to accept it, is to bring you not only Quality, not just Service, OR a great Price. We’re taking the initiative to present you with all three.   

Kick rocks 2020, here’s what we’re doing in 2021:

  1. Reduce prices on our most popular wholesale graphics products.

  2. Increase quality assurance by investing in new software and instilling a 3-step Quality Control process.

  3. Offer flat-rate $10 shipping on most wholesale graphics items and a 24 hour turn-around time.

Price, Quality, Service. Now you can have all three. 

Of course, terms apply, but go ahead and give one of our awesome customer service rep’s a call - 800-835-2221 to answer any questions or concerns.

Are you ready to place an order? Do it!!